Sunday, January 8, 2012

7th Inning...Cards up 3-2

Salas to face Beltre Cruz and Napoli...

It is only game 1 after all. Beltre has taken "two grown men swings" - thanks McCarver...I spend saturdays giving a little girl swings. But I am a grown man. Even though I don't make millions clubbing the ball recklessly like Adrian Beltre. Pujols has never succumbed to the recklessness belttre exhibits...I will miss that...Beltre grounds out to Punto. One out.

A strength for each side - the bullpen. But not the bullpen phone.

Good night, Tony. It's been a great ride.

OOh's only game one. And he tying run is on with one out in the seventh. Cruz singles to center. And here's the replay of Nellie Cruz missing Craig's go-ahead single....

ROAR! Says Craig at firs base. ROAR! I am a golden bear god!

I live in Berkeley. Rzezpcynski gets loose...Did I spell that right on the first try?

Salas deals to Napoli and they show his 2 run jack from back in the fifth. Napli kinda looks like Tebow. Only he plays a grown man sport.

Grown ass man.

Salas goes 3-0 on Napoli, and I'm like what? We had a great bullpen in the playoffs?
Walked him.

LaRussa is thinking...he takes his glasses off...Scrabble on to face Gentry...Rzezpcynski...Damn, I'm good...

Zep looks like a Kid in the Hall...Toronto will do that to you, COlby.

Over but low. Ball one. Dotel up. That guy is great. I will miss him, too.

Scrabble looks Nellie Cruz back. He's got great posture.

Strike one. Great mechanics.

Scrabble strikes Gentry out looking. It's been Rzepczynski this whole time. Rzepczynski! WTF. The Poles live a hardSCRABBLE life.

It's not Torrealba, Texas fans. It is ESTEBAN GERMAN! LOOK OUT!

The cards have one more reliever than the Rangers. His name is Arthur Jason Mark Octavio Fernando Lance.

Scrabble works him 0=2... Busch to it's feet!

STRIKE OUT!!!! Inning over. Scrabble K's two...and K is a 10 point tile. Time to stretch in Game One.

Bottom of the 7th.

Hamilton moves from Center to Left.

Mike Gonzalez on...shaking his head like a Buster. With that wind up, he could be injured on any pitch...any pitch now...Joe Buck and Tim McCarver are playing SCRABBLE. Tim McCarver didn't know Strike had 6 letters...K is 10 pt tile...

Feldman coming on. Future journeyman. He gives up the key hits!

He's been outstanding so far this postseason, says Joe Buck

He faces Pujols. See you next year out west, Albert! You and Feldman will break bread...or matzo...together. Point to the sky, men!

Feldman works Albert 0-2. He's got good stuff...Then throws 3 straight where Albert is like, "I'm too smart for those." And he is.. Will miss that pitch selection. Squares up on one to Center...Gentry slips...but recovers for out #2...

Here's Matt Holliday...the face of the franchise...

It is starting to Mist in Beautiful St. Louis...breathe deeply, roll river...smell that Big Muddy...

0-2 on Holliday...Feldman looks nasty. Feldman bounces the 0-2.

A waste pitch. Holliday didn't bite.

The one two nibbles...outside...even count 2-2

Holliday floats one to Kinser and the inning is over..

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