Holliday leads it off. Lewis throws him ball one that somehow gets him off the plate.
Next pitch is a called strike on the outside corner.
Mattswings and misses on a breaking all low.
Oganddo getting loose in case AllenbCraig comes up and the rangers need to give up a hit.
Holliday gets a piece of it but Napoli hangs on. SO one out...Catchers are so key.
Freese singles to center, has extended his hit streak to 12 straight games (since Game 2 in Phillly)
Molina drives it deep but catches Molina's fly to deep left.
Here's Punto. Pitcher's spot next? Punto has only hit One HR all year...STRIKE ONE
Lewis throws strike 2 looking to Punto, Allen Craig in the on deck circle.
Punto singles off of Young's glove at first...first and third and now Allen Craig is coming up!
Bring on Ogando, Wash! (For the second night in a row it will be Craig vs. Ogando with the game on the line. And I thought this was it.)
First pitch: fouled off to the right side
Second pitch: SINGLES TO RIGHT. CRAIG HAS DONE IT AGAIN! FREESE SCORES! 1-0 cards in the 7th!
Same pitch! Same one as last night. Craig hit it better tonight.
Are you kidding me?
Ogando missed his spot and now it is Furcal.
Nasty pitch down and in gets Furcal to 1-2
Furcal pulls it foul, and McGwire gets a little credit for Craig's success...You hear that, BBWAA?
Outside 2-2
Furcal chops it to Beltre and Punto goes out of the baseline...inning over...let's finish this game...
Washington hangs his head...
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